We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Sheffield.
Premises GPhC Number: 1039362
Superintendent Pharmacist: Vikas Kumar (2070097)
If you have any doubt about How to take any medication or any issues with it, Our Knowledgeable pharmacist will be more than happy to offer this Free NHS service. No appointment is needed for it. You can just walk in to the Pharmacy.
To reduce the workload on surgery, Certain minor condition can be treated without intervention from GP. We run Minor ailment scheme funded by Sheffield CCG under which specific ailment can be treated free of cost by over the counter medications for eligible patients. Ask in the pharmacy for more details.
GP prescribed new medicine for Blood pressure, Diabetes or Heart condition but you are not sure how to take it or What to expect. Free NHS New medicine service will help you with it. Pharmacist will book you an Telephone appointment or in Pharmacy appointment with in a week or so after you start on new medication and will make sure you are getting maximum benefit out of it. Any concern or side effect can be discussed on the same time.
We manage the whole process from ordering your prescription to delivery of medication. We will take your prescription order, send it to your GP surgery, collect the prescription and deliver it to your doorstep , All free of charge. If You prefer coming to pharmacy and have a chat with our pharmacist, You can collect prescription from Pharmacy as well.
If you have any doubt about How to take any medication or any issues with it, Our Knowledgeable pharmacist will be more than happy to offer this Free NHS service. No appointment is needed for it. You can just walk in to the Pharmacy.
To reduce the workload on surgery, Certain minor condition can be treated without intervention from GP. We run Minor ailment scheme funded by Sheffield CCG under which specific ailment can be treated free of cost by over the counter medications for eligible patients. Ask in the pharmacy for more details.
GP prescribed new medicine for Blood pressure, Diabetes or Heart condition but you are not sure how to take it or What to expect. Free NHS New medicine service will help you with it. Pharmacist will book you an Telephone appointment or in Pharmacy appointment with in a week or so after you start on new medication and will make sure you are getting maximum benefit out of it. Any concern or side effect can be discussed on the same time.
We manage the whole process from ordering your prescription to delivery of medication. We will take your prescription order, send it to your GP surgery, collect the prescription and deliver it to your doorstep , All free of charge. If You prefer coming to pharmacy and have a chat with our pharmacist, You can collect prescription from Pharmacy as well.